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ACSS/ utility-first CSS / Functional CSS build tools to help you manage your CSS。
Inspired by ACSS, tailwindcss, quickLayout。
├── demo
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── less.css
│ ├── less.less
│ ├── scss.css
│ └── scss.scss
└── lib
├── _acss.less // less Mixin need Initialize with `#ACSS;`
├── _acss.scss // sass Mixin need Initialize with `@include ACSS;`
└── acss.css // core code just import and use
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; font: inherit; color: inherit; }
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../scss/demo.css">
<body style="background-color: #333333;">
<section class="pt16 pr16 pb16 pl16 fs12 bc_fff mt16 mr16 ml16 mb16">
<h2 class="fw700 mb16 fs16">CSS-ACSS</h2>
<p class="mb8"> ACSS / utility-first CSS build tools to help you manage your CSS。</p>
<strong class="fw700">Inspired by</strong>
<a href="" class="c_primary"></a>
<a href="" class="c_primary">tailwindcss</a>
<a href="" class="c_primary">quickLayout</a>
$ npm i @_nu/css-acss;
/*! ## scruct */
/*! ### scruct position */
/*! ### scruct float */
/*! ### struct flex */
/*! ## style =================== */
/*! ### style font */
/*! ### style color */
* 以下属性因为太常用所有放在了这里
* 这里的命名并没有严格按照上面的规则
/*! 清除浮动 */
/*! 文字超出一行点点点 */
// @import '@_nu/css-acss/lib/_acss.scss';
@import "../lib/_acss.scss";
@include ACSS; // ACSS 核心代码,等价于引用 `css/acss.css`
@include ACSS_(margin, (8,16), 1px); // .mt8, .mr8, .mb8, .ml8, .mt16, .mr16, .mb16, .ml16;
@include ACSS_(padding, (8,16), 1px); // .pt8, .pr8, .pb8, .pl8, .pt16, .pr16, .pb16, .pl16;
@include ACSS_(font-size, (12,16), 1px); // .fs12, .fs16
@include ACSS_(line-height, (8,16), 1px); // .lh16, .lh24
@include ACSS_(font-weight, (400,700)); // .fw400, .fw700
// 自定义方法
@include ACSS_(width, (
w50p: 50%, // .w50p { width: 50%; }
w100p: 100% // .w100p { width: 100%; }
@include ACSS_(z-index, (
zi_header: 100, // .zi_header { z-index: 100; }
zi_toast: 200 // .zi_toast { z-index: 200; }
@include ACSS_(color, (
c_xl:#111, // .c_xl{ color: #111; }
c_l:#333, // .c_l{ color: #333; }
c_m:#666, // .c_m{ color: #666; }
c_s:#999, // .c_s{ color: #999; }
c_xs:#DDD, // .c_xs{ color: #DDD; }
c_primary: blue, // .c_primary{ color: blue; }
c_secondary: gray, // .c_secondary{ color: gray; }
c_danger: red, // .c_danger{ color: red; }
c_warning: yellow, // .c_warning{ color: yellow; }
c_succcess: green, // .c_succcess{ color: green; }
c_info: cadetblue, // .c_info{ color: cadetblue; }
c_light: #f8f9fa, // .c_light{ color: #f8f9fa; }
c_dark: #343a40, // .c_dark{ color: #343a40; }
// @import '@_nu/css-acss/lib/_acss.less';
@import "../lib/_acss.less";
#ACSS; // ACSS 核心代码,等价于引用 `css/acss.css`
* 命名规则
* 属性取首字母加上后面的数字
* @param {list} @list - 属性列表
* @param {expression} @unit - 单位换算表达式, 默认为1px, 想要 rem 填写 1/16*1rem
* @warning 注意列表后面的分号不能省略
#ACSS.margin(8, 16; 1px); // .mt8, .mr8, .mb8, .ml8, .mt16, .mr16, .mb16, .ml16;
#ACSS.padding(8, 16; 1px); // .pt8, .pr8, .pb8, .pl8, .pt16, .pr16, .pb16, .pl16;
#ACSS.fontSize(12, 16; 1px); // .fs12{ font-size:12px; }
#ACSS.lineHeight(16, 24; 1px); // .lh16{ line-height:16px; }
#ACSS.fontWeight(400, 700;); // .fw400{ font-weight:400; }
* 以下设计资源,因为 LESS 不支持 map 对象
* 所以目前提供命名约定来管理
* 管理层级 .zi_*
.zi_header{ z-index: 200; }
.zi_toast{ z-index: 300; }
* 管理颜色 .c_*
.c_xl{ color: #111; }
.c_l{ color: #333; }
.c_m{ color: #666; }
.c_s{ color: #999; }
.c_xs{ color: #DDD; }
.c_primary{ color: blue; }
.c_secondary{ color: gray; }
.c_danger{ color: red; }
.c_warning{ color: yellow; }
.c_succcess{ color: green; }
.c_info{ color: cadetblue; }
.c_light{ color: #f8f9fa; }
.c_dark{ color: #343a40; }
ACSS name rules
- Just take the first letter
.db{ display:block; }
; - Direct connection of Numbers
.mb10{ margin-bottom:10px; }
; - The percent sign is denoted by p「 percent 」
.w100p{ width:100%; }
; - The decimal point is denoted by d 「 dot 」
.lh1d2{ line-height:1.2}
; - Using '_' to separate words as custom style;
With the exception of a few custom styles, all of the above patterns are strictly followed.
Either SCSS or LESS initializes CSS exactly according to this naming rule.