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Grid of react native


yarn add @_nu/react-native-grid


import React from 'react';
import Grid from '@_nu/react-native-grid';

const {Row, Col, Wrap} = new Grid({
    gridNum: 6,            // 列数
    gutterInside: 12,      // 内间距宽
    gutterOutSide: 16      // 外间距宽

export default Grid;
export {Row, Col, Wrap};


import React from 'react';
import {StyleSheet, Text, View} from 'react-native';
import {Row, Col, Wrap} from "./components/Grid/index.js";

export default function App() {
    return (
            <Text>Hello world</Text>
                <Text style={styles.col}>Open up App.js to start</Text>
                <Col span={1}><Text style={styles.col}>1</Text></Col>
                <Col span={1}><Text style={styles.col}>2</Text></Col>
                <Col span={1}><Text style={styles.col}>3</Text></Col>
                <Col span={1}><Text style={styles.col}>4</Text></Col>
                <Col span={1}><Text style={styles.col}>5</Text></Col>
                <Col span={1}><Text style={styles.col}>6</Text></Col>
                <Col span={2}><Text style={styles.col}>Hello1</Text></Col>
                <Col span={2} offset={2}><Text style={styles.col}>Hello2</Text></Col>
                <Col span={4} widthToInt><Text style={styles.col}>Hello1</Text></Col>
                <Col span={2}><Text style={styles.col}>Hello1</Text></Col>
                <Col span={4}><Text style={styles.col}>Hello1</Text></Col>
                <Col span={2}><Text style={styles.col}>Hello1</Text></Col>
                <Col span={3}><Text style={styles.col}>Hello1</Text></Col>
                <Col span={3}><Text style={styles.col}>Hello2</Text></Col>


Api Grid

props type default function
gridNum number 6 列数
gutterInside number 12 列之间的间距
gutterOutSide number 16 列距离屏幕边缘的间距

Api Col

props type default function
span number 1 所占的列数
offset number 0 偏移的列数
widthToInt bool false 是否单位采用整数,默认是采用百分比
Last Updated: 5/16/2020, 3:33:45 PM