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Enhance vanilla image of the responsive and ability on error.

Edit nu-react-img

how to use

import React from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import NuImg from "@_nu/react-img";

function Demo() {
    return (
            <h2>react-img Demo</h2>
            <p>Enhance the responsive of the vanilla image.</p>
            <h3>⬇️ img Vallina ⬇️</h3>
            <NuImg width={60} height={80} alt="bookCover" src=""/>
            <NuImg circle width={60} height={60} alt="avatar" src=""/>
            <NuImg width={60} height={80} src="./error.png" alt="bookCover"/>
            <h3>⬇️ img custom errorBg ⬇️</h3>
            <NuImg errorBg width={60} height={80} src="./error.png" alt="bookCover"/>
            <NuImg errorBg="#dddddd" width={60} height={80} src="./error.png" alt="bookCover"/>
            <h3>⬇️ img responsive ⬇️</h3>
            <NuImg responsive width={60} height={60} src="" alt="bookCover"/>
            <h3>⬇️ img responsive y ⬇️</h3>
            <NuImg responsive="y" width={60} height={40} alt="bookCover" src=""/>
            <h3>⬇️ img responsive x ⬇️</h3>
            <NuImg responsive="x" width={80} height={70} alt="bookCover" src=""/>
export default Demo;

Vanilla Img Api

props type default function
src string required img src
alt string required img alt
width string, number required img width
height string, number required img height

Just the img api but the width and height is required.

Enhance Api

props type default function
errorBg base64Url, color 8*8 base64 transparent png img load error
circle bool false img border-radius:100%
responsive bool,'x','y' false img is responsive


  • false: render img directly;
  • true: img stretch fill the box;
  • x: img width:100%; height:initial;;
  • y: img height:100%; width:initial;;
Last Updated: 5/16/2020, 3:33:45 PM