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Button of react native.
npm i @_nu/react-native-button
Choosing @_nu/react-native-button
means you are choosing a whole set of button solutions.
Because different projects have different skins, secondary encapsulation is required in real projects.
The default is bootstrap
import React from 'react';
import NuButton, {createNuButtonTheme} from '@_nu/react-native-button';
* creacte default button theme
levelColors: {
default: '#343a40',
secondary: '#6c757d',
primary: '#007bff',
warning: '#ffc107',
danger: '#dc3545',
success: '#22A745',
* creacte test button theme
levelColors: {
default: '#000000',
primary: '#1976d2',
secondary: 'rgb(220, 0, 78)',
warning: '#ff9900',
danger: 'red',
success: 'green',
export default NuButton;
import Button from "./components/Button";
const Page=()=>{
return (
<Button variant="ghost" size="large">一个大的幽灵按钮</Button>
<Button theme="test" variant="ghost" size="large">一个大的幽灵主按钮</Button>
export default Page;
props | type | default | function |
theme | 'string' | 'default' | 按钮主题 |
disabled | boolean | - | 不可用按钮 |
loading | boolean | - | loading按钮 |
capsule | boolean | - | 圆角按钮 |
circle | boolean | - | 正圆按钮 |
level | 'default', 'primary', 'secondary', 'warning', 'danger', 'success' | default | 按钮等级 |
variant | 'fill', 'ghost', 'link' | fill | 按钮变体 |
size | ['large', 'default', 'middle', 'small' ] or number | default | 按钮大小 |
before | 'element','function' | null | 放到文字之前 |
after | 'element','function' | null | 放到文字之后 |
note: although 'size' can be 'number' interface is provided, this is not recommended. Your use of this method means that the button style you define cannot be reused.
prop | type | default | function |
name | string | default | 主题名称 |
defaultProps | Object | 见下面 | 默认属性 |
levelColors | object | 见下面 | 按钮主色列表 |
Wrap | func node | 见下面 | 按钮容器对象 |
WrapAndroid | func node | 见下面 | 安卓按钮容器对象 |
Content | func node | 见下面 | 内容器 |
Txt | func node | 见下面 | 文本容器 |
Loader | func node | 见下面 | 加载对象 |
wrapStyle | object | 见下面 | 主容器样式 |
contentStyle | object | 见下面 | 内容器样式 |
textStyle | object | 见下面 | 文本容器样式 |
defaultProps: {
level: 'default',
variant: 'fill'
default props on button
Wrap, Content, Txt, Loader
All of them got the same API and use, you have to return a object of node
WrapAndroid: function ({children, style, ...otherProps}) {
return (
<View style={style}>
// 不能在 TouchableNativeFeedback 上写样式,so sad
background={TouchableNativeFeedback.SelectableBackground()} {...otherProps}>
Wrap: function ({children, level, variant, ...otherProps}) {
return <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.5} {...otherProps}>{children}</TouchableOpacity>;
Txt: Text,
Content: View,
Loader: function ({level, variant, wrapStyle, contentStyle, textStyle}) {
return (<ActivityIndicator animating={true} color={textStyle.color}/>);
- level: level of button
- variant: style of button
- wrapStyle: wrap style
- contentStyle: content style
- textStyle: text style
when loading
<Loader />
, textStyle
Api All of them got the same API and use.
wrapStyle: {
default: {
position: 'relative',
overflow: 'hidden',
height: 40,
capsule: {
borderRadius: 100
circle: {
borderRadius: 100
large: {
height: 48
middle: {
height: 32
small: {
height: 24
ghost: {
borderWidth: 1
disabled: {
opacity: 0.4
textStyle: {
default: {
color: "#ffffff",
fontSize: 16,
textAlign: 'center',
marginLeft: 8,
marginRight: 8
large: {
fontSize: 18
middle: {
fontSize: 14
small: {
fontSize: 12
customStyle: function ({warning, fill, style}) {
if (warning && fill) {
style.color = '#333333';
return style;
contentStyle: {
default: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
flexDirection: 'row'
All bool properties except 'default' are actually rendered by merging with the 'default' style and then rendering through 'customStyle'.
You must return the style object.
- level: level of button
- variant: style of button
- style: style
Define any bool props
height: 100
<Button h100>高100的按钮</Button>
const levelColors= {
default: '#343a40',
primary: '#007bff',
secondary: '#6c757d',
warning: '#ffc107',
danger: '#dc3545',
success: '#22A745',
Add Icon
<Button before={<ActivityIndicator animating={true} color={'red'}/>}>图标在我左边</Button>
<Button after={<ActivityIndicator animating={true} color={'red'}/>}>图标在我右边</Button>
Multiline text
<Button>{({textStyle}) => {
return (
<Text style={textStyle}>切换主题</Text>
<Text style={textStyle}>「default</Text>
Gradient background
Content: function ({children, style, level, variant}) {
/* 修改 fill danger 按钮为渐变背景 */
if (level === 'danger' && variant === 'fill') {
return (
colors={["red", "blue"]}
} else {
return (
<View style={style}>{children}</View>