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Button of react native.



npm i @_nu/react-native-button


Choosing @_nu/react-native-button means you are choosing a whole set of button solutions.

Because different projects have different skins, secondary encapsulation is required in real projects.

The default is bootstrap skin.

import React from 'react';
import NuButton, {createNuButtonTheme} from '@_nu/react-native-button';

 * creacte default button theme
  levelColors: {
      default: '#343a40',
      secondary: '#6c757d',
      primary: '#007bff',
      warning: '#ffc107',
      danger: '#dc3545',
      success: '#22A745',

 * creacte test button theme
    levelColors: {
        default: '#000000',
        primary: '#1976d2',
        secondary: 'rgb(220, 0, 78)',
        warning: '#ff9900',
        danger: 'red',
        success: 'green',

export default NuButton;


import Button from "./components/Button";

const Page=()=>{    
    return (
        <Button variant="ghost" size="large">一个大的幽灵按钮</Button>                
        <Button theme="test" variant="ghost" size="large">一个大的幽灵主按钮</Button>

export default Page;



props type default function
theme 'string' 'default' 按钮主题
disabled boolean - 不可用按钮
loading boolean - loading按钮
capsule boolean - 圆角按钮
circle boolean - 正圆按钮
level 'default', 'primary', 'secondary', 'warning', 'danger', 'success' default 按钮等级
variant 'fill', 'ghost', 'link' fill 按钮变体
size ['large', 'default', 'middle', 'small' ] or number default 按钮大小
before 'element','function' null 放到文字之前
after 'element','function' null 放到文字之后

note: although 'size' can be 'number' interface is provided, this is not recommended. Your use of this method means that the button style you define cannot be reused.


prop type default function
name string default 主题名称
defaultProps Object 见下面 默认属性
levelColors object 见下面 按钮主色列表
Wrap func node 见下面 按钮容器对象
WrapAndroid func node 见下面 安卓按钮容器对象
Content func node 见下面 内容器
Txt func node 见下面 文本容器
Loader func node 见下面 加载对象
wrapStyle object 见下面 主容器样式
contentStyle object 见下面 内容器样式
textStyle object 见下面 文本容器样式


defaultProps: {
    level: 'default',
    variant: 'fill'

default props on button

Wrap, Content, Txt, Loader

All of them got the same API and use, you have to return a object of node.

    WrapAndroid: function ({children, style, ...otherProps}) {
        return (
            <View style={style}>
                // 不能在 TouchableNativeFeedback 上写样式,so sad
                    background={TouchableNativeFeedback.SelectableBackground()} {...otherProps}>
    Wrap: function ({children, level, variant, ...otherProps}) {
        return <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.5} {...otherProps}>{children}</TouchableOpacity>;
    Txt: Text,
    Content: View,
    Loader: function ({level, variant, wrapStyle, contentStyle, textStyle}) {
        return (<ActivityIndicator animating={true} color={textStyle.color}/>);
  • level: level of button
  • variant: style of button
  • wrapStyle: wrap style
  • contentStyle: content style
  • textStyle: text style



when loading

        <Loader />

Api wrapStyle ,contentStyle, textStyle

All of them got the same API and use.

    wrapStyle: {
        default: {
            position: 'relative',
            overflow: 'hidden',
            height: 40,
        capsule: {
            borderRadius: 100
        circle: {
            borderRadius: 100
        large: {
            height: 48
        middle: {
            height: 32
        small: {
            height: 24
        ghost: {
            borderWidth: 1
        disabled: {
            opacity: 0.4
    textStyle: {
        default: {
            color: "#ffffff",
            fontSize: 16,
            textAlign: 'center',
            marginLeft: 8,
            marginRight: 8
        large: {
            fontSize: 18
        middle: {
            fontSize: 14
        small: {
            fontSize: 12
        customStyle: function ({warning, fill, style}) {
            if (warning && fill) {
                style.color = '#333333';
            return style;
    contentStyle: {
        default: {
            width: '100%',
            height: '100%',
            alignItems: 'center',
            justifyContent: 'center',
            flexDirection: 'row'

All bool properties except 'default' are actually rendered by merging with the 'default' style and then rendering through 'customStyle'.


You must return the style object.

  • level: level of button
  • variant: style of button
  • style: style

Define any bool props

            height: 100
<Button h100>高100的按钮</Button>


const levelColors= {
    default: '#343a40',
    primary: '#007bff',
    secondary: '#6c757d',
    warning: '#ffc107',
    danger: '#dc3545',
    success: '#22A745',


Add Icon

<Button before={<ActivityIndicator animating={true} color={'red'}/>}>图标在我左边</Button>
<Button after={<ActivityIndicator animating={true} color={'red'}/>}>图标在我右边</Button>

Multiline text

<Button>{({textStyle}) => {
    return (
            <Text style={textStyle}>切换主题</Text>
            <Text style={textStyle}>「default</Text>

Gradient background

    Content: function ({children, style, level, variant}) {
        /* 修改 fill danger 按钮为渐变背景  */
        if (level === 'danger' && variant === 'fill') {
            return (
                    colors={["red", "blue"]}
        } else {
            return (
                <View style={style}>{children}</View>
Last Updated: 5/16/2020, 3:33:45 PM